Board Advisory Services, Solutions and Products
Decades of experience and expertise of the Board Advisory Services principals are at your disposal, in increments that you need and want.

BAS helps you assess your governance programs and determine if there are potential gaps that can put your company at risk.

Our programs help you manage, prioritize, align and optimize resources, build awareness of governance best practices, and communicate policies in ways that are meaningful, insightful and actionable.

Business Planning
Business planning and execution represents a broad range of activities, from business and strategic plan documentation through solution design and execution.

We help companies in any of these stages evaluate their current business processes in order to determine how effectively specific goals are being met. We offer significant domain expertise in facilitating problem-solving initiatives. We help BAS clients re-engineer troubled processes, aligning talent with elements of the problem, creating clear accountability, and ensuring that each stream of work was adequately resourced.

As an outside resource, BAS offers a fresh perspective, one that isn’t mired in the interdepartmental issues that often hinder the development and implementation of solutions. Unlike many internal managers representing individual departments, BAS is able to take a company-wide view of entire processes.

BAS has extensive experience in implementing automation solutions for numerous department-wide applications. We are able to assess the resources assigned to processes, and identify specific areas where additional resources may be necessary to resolve issues, increase efficiency and achieve critical goals. Our expertise in business-oriented contract negotiation and vendor-selection management is leveraged by numerous clients seeking to re-engineer critical processes such as payment systems, audit systems and risk management and compliance systems.

BAS works hand-in-hand with program leadership team to create a project structure that facilitates solution with maximum participation from the various departments and their staff, and definitive accountability for delivering a solution to the executives.

BAS provides strategic direction to teams who are challenged in terms of the steps to get from current state to future state -- the organization’s overall goals. They may not be able to conceptualize the design elements of that future state as well. Sometimes the challenge is in level of experience or scope of experience. Sometimes the challenge is in enough of the right resources. Whatever the challenge, BAS has the right resources and the right approach (transferring our knowledge and expertise) to helping you get on the right track.

You don’t need to wait until your program is in trouble. Our assistance can begin when an organization has decided to do something about a problem or an opportunity. We provide expertise and guidance on simplifying the process, providing frameworks for evaluation, and creating a forum for collaboration across departments, divisions or processes within the organization. We help you document your business plans for inter-departmental consensus building and approvals.

We help our clients communicate business issues, and to analyze and view data to generate insight that is actionable and fully coordinated.

Executive Business Coaching
Creating a hardworking and loyal workforce requires that you invest in your employees. BAS seasoned professionals can provide advice and counsel to enhance your employees� performance and increase their contribution to your company’s growth. We provide our clients with:

  • Critical and insightful thought leadership
  • Executive augmentation and business coaching
  • Facilitation of critical decision-making processes

Virtual Open Door�
This Web-based system that lets you establish a culture of openness by providing tools, staff and reporting mechanisms for gathering, validating, and tracking issues raised by your employees, and enabling them to be resolved in a timely manner. And it fully supports Section 301 of Sarbanes-Oxley.

VOD is unique in that it is a two-way communications tool. It enables companies to act effectively on concerns that are raised anonymously, and to track systemically the progress of the situation. More importantly, by tracking to transactions in totality, VOD lets you uncover any trends that may be occurring that can result in serious risk to your company’s reputation.

“Working with BAS has broadened
our insight for planning future
projects and processes. They
helped us to create an effective
communications platform that is
easy to build upon and use. And
by clearly defining roles and
responsibilities, our company
has a better view of the resources
that are required to move forward.�

- Senior Vice President/
  Chief Risk Officer
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